Habit Trade “Combo VS”

To encourage diversified investing, Habit Trade team released the “Combo VS” feature, and its “Predict2Earn” services.

HabitTrade - Make Trading A Habit
5 min readMay 25, 2022

Habit Trade users can input “Habit Credit” to predict which one of two “Combos” (invest portfolio) will yield a better rate in the specific 3 trading days, if your prediction is correct, you will receive a certain amount of US Dollar from the Prize Pool (see details).

Join Habit Trade “Blue Bird Airdrop” and get more Habit Credit: https://forms.gle/ywrRGz7Kten7opTp8

Before the “Combo VS” instructions, please download Habit Trade from Google Play or App Store and sign up.

Now, let’s look into how you can join in the “Combo VS”!

Combo VS for Newbies

  1. Open Habit Trade APP, and enter “Watchlist” tab;
  2. Click on the Combo VS banner on the top;
    There are 4 status for each term of “Combo VS”:

i. “Coming soon”

It means the “Combo VS” hasn’t started yet, at this period, you can complete the “Blue Bird Airdrop” and other IN-APP tasks to collect more Habit Credits, and check out the portfolio of each Combo, so then you can prepare for your prediction coming soon;

ii. “Open”

It means the “Combo VS” is open to user participation, users can put Habit Credit on the Combo that they believe will yield better in the specific 3 trading days (the actual period will be highlighted on the “Combo VS” page).

And now! You can click on the “Bullish Combo A/B” button and put in your Habit Credit.

Let’s click on “Bullish Combo B” just for demonstration. Then you can input the amount of Habit Credits on “Combo B”.

After putting the Credits, your prediction side will be marked as “Predicted”. You can also view the predictions result of other participators instantly.

A user can only predict once per day for each “Combo VS”, however, you can always make a different prediction on the next day during the “Open Period”, so that you can put Habit Credit on both sides to diversify your risks. :)
Also, see “Combo VS for Advanced Investors” in this article below and check out how you can hedge the actual investment risk.

iii. “Pending”

During “Pending” period, it means the “Combo VS” has entered its 3-day “battling” period, the “Combo VS” is no longer open to new participation.
You can check out the “3-day Yield” updates on the “Combo VS” page.

iv. “Closed”

Finally, “Closed” means the result of the “Combo VS” is settled. If your prediction turns out to be true, you will soon receive your part of prize from the pool, and if your prediction was incorrect, you’ll just lose Habit Credit :)

Well, it’s just a game that you can always win. Diversity saves the world!

Combo VS for Advanced Investors

So if you look into each Combo in detail (Habit APP - “Discover” tab - “Combo”), you can easily figure out that Combo is just a form of investing portfolio (or a combination of some similar stocks) classified by the industry.

Each stock’s trending can equally affect the final trending of the Combo, which leads to another question: How you can benefit from this?

Let’s say we are having a “Combo VS” of Petroleum Giants VS New Energy Vehicles, and you have already had invested in New Energy Vehicles companies like Tesla ($TSLA) for example, then, you can put your Habit Credits into Petroleum Giants to hedge your risks in $TSLA. In this case, there will be mainly 4 combinations of result:

After all, there’s only 25% (in idealised model) possibility that you can lose (please remember that Habit Credit costs nothing). So, use the Predict2Earn feature of “Combo VS” in your investment strategy. Let’s make trading a habit :)

All investments involve the risk of potential investment losses as well as the potential for investment gains.

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HabitTrade - Make Trading A Habit

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